Women’s History Month is celebrated around the world every March, with March 8 being International Women’s Day (IWD). Each year, IWD has a different theme, and the theme for 2024 is #InspireInclusion.

In support of this theme–and in celebration of the remarkable women who help move our company forward–we’ve gathered the advice, insights, and experiences of a few of our female leaders.

Here’s what they had to say.

Women’s History Month focuses on women leading change in their fields. How do you mentor or support women who aspire to advance their careers in finance? And what advice would you offer them in navigating this field in the industry?

Debbie Graver, Partner & Chief Compliance Officer:

There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching women succeed, so if I see an opportunity to help a young woman grow professionally or personally, I will always engage in a conversation and see how I might be able to help in that effort.

I don’t focus that effort solely on women in finance. As a group, we have a lot of challenges–women and men–but women often speak a different language, and we have a lot of different life experiences. Identifying with and mentoring women is just a passion I have.

If you feel the same passion, then go out there and give some of your time and talent and share your life experiences with others who could benefit from that.

Serina Green, President & Chief Operating Officer:

I work with Strong Women, Strong Girls which brings three generations of mentorship together. Also, this year I’m joining the Pittsburgh Business Times to do mentoring Mondays, and the biggest piece of advice that I would give women in this industry is have confidence. I think that is the most important thing. It’ll help you be assertive, in addition to also uplift lifting other women and supporting them in their careers.

Can you reflect on the importance of collaboration and allyship among women in finance and other industries to collectively drive change and advocate for equality?

Denise Quinn, Senior Advisor:

I’ve been in this industry many years and when I started, most of the people who mentored me were men. They collaborated with me and included me in client meetings, which was really helpful for me to match my education to my real-life experience. I think the sharing of ideas, experience, and knowledge is critical for everyone to advance in whatever field they choose.

Do you have any women who have inspired you in your personal life?


One of the celebrities that I really admire is Mindy Kaling. She started out in a very male-dominated field similar to the way finance is, because she was the only woman female writer for The Office. I think she does a great job at not fitting any stereotypes yet being very successful. I also admire how she keeps her personal life very private and doesn’t let anyone in where they shouldn’t be.


I have two. The first is Debbie Graver. Debbie was a big inspiration when I started here at Signature. She took me to community events and taught me how to be myself in a male-dominated industry.

I’m also going to say Taylor Swift. She’s an amazing role model to everybody. She’s built a wonderful brand for herself and she stands up for what’s right, so I also really support Taylor Swift.


I don’t have a specific female role model. Growing up, nobody told me that I couldn’t achieve things that other people were achieving or do things that other people were doing. So, I guess I became my own role model and just did the things that I thought were important in life and didn’t let anybody or anything stop me because I was female, even if most of the people around me happened to be male. Just do what you love and success will follow.

Aside from your professional achievements, what is something in your life you find most inspiring?


I have a passion for giving back. I am incredibly inspired by the professional volunteers and individuals who work in the nonprofit world and just give back every single day of their lives to help make the world a better place.


Something I do outside of work that is inspiring is High-Performance Driver education. I’ve been doing it for about 6 or 7 years. I find it very fun. It is a male-dominated industry as well, but everybody’s very nice and welcoming. And I get to drive a race car.


I enjoy learning about other people’s life paths. I love watching documentaries and especially bio documentaries that really research what someone has come through in their life experience. I found that listening is a really good skill to have in my position. As I listen to people’s stories, I am constantly amazed by how they got to where they are and what it took to get there.

In honor of Women’s History Month, we encourage you to take one small action this month in support of women. Here are some ideas:

  • Share this blog answering one of the questions asked.
  • Reach out to a mentor in your life and thank them.
  • Find an organization in your community that supports women and make a donation, volunteer at an event, or share their mission with your friends and family.